2025 Western Summer League - Boys

2025 Team ONE Summer Lacrosse League
June 16 - July 21
Location: Naperville | The most established summer league is back this year in the western suburbs for players of all ages!

league divisions

Registration is open to all players from all clubs, towns & schools!

High School Varsity (11th/12th)

High School JV (9th/10th)

U14 (2029 & 2030 Grad Years)

U12 (2031 & 2032 Grad Years)

U10 (2033, 2034 & 2035 Grad Years)

*If you played on your Varsity roster as a freshman or sophomore, please register for Varsity division. 

*2025's can play in Varsity Division

Dates & Times

Dates: Mondays, June 16th - July 21st

Times: Games between 4:00pm-8:00pm


Games will be held at West Street Park (Bill Young Fields) 811 S West Street, Naperville, IL 60540


EARLY BIRD PRICING UNTIL 5/1: $175/Player + $25 Required League Jersey

After May 1:$200/Player + $25 Required League Jersey